Leg And Foot Injury Treatment In Nepal
Your legs and foot help your body to walk, run or jump anytime. But like any other body parts, they can wear out or get hurt too. The legs comprise collective tissues, muscles and a bundle of bones. The bones are connected by pieces of fibrous and flexible tissues known as ligaments. Similarly, the tendons connect the muscles, which then helps your legs move anyway. When your legs get hurt, its most probably a soft-injury tissue or bone fractures like strain or sprain of ligaments or tendons.
When the tendons get injured, it results in swelling on the foot and legs and discomfort while you play, walk or stand even for a long time. Therefore, a timely diagnosis and treatment are necessary so your leg and foot can return to their average level, and Dr. Vikram Sharma at Leg And Foot Injury Treatment In Nepal are prepared for it. Read the complete article to know the types of leg and foot injuries so that you can also help yourself for a better diagnosis.

Know About the Types Of Leg And Foot Injury
The standard leg and foot injuries observed in the human body are as follows –
Too high-heeled or tight shoes are one of the leading causes of compressed nerves of toes. Most often, the Neuroma occurs in your third or fourth foot resulting in numbness, tingling and pain in the foot. The problem has a solution and can be resolved by wearing low-heel shoes, the icing on foot, and regularly padding.
Stress Fracture
Among the more severe Foot injuries, stress fracture often occurs when you overplay basketball, dance or run more than your capacity. The tired muscles of the foot pass on the stress to the bones, resulting in severe pain. Although stress fractures can happen in any foot part, they more often occur in the second or third metatarsals. If you are suffered this stress fracture and wants the best Leg And Foot Injury Treatment In Nepal then visit Dr. Vikram Sharma.
Plantar Fasciitis
Do you experience a howling pain when you take your first step out of bed every day in the morning? If yes, then you may be suffering from plantar fasciitis. It is a condition of inflammation of the band of tissue that forms a connection between the toes and foot. Often standing on hard surfaces, jobs requiring walking, extra weight, or high-impact sports increase your risk of having plantar fasciitis. Stretch your calf and foot frequently, and wear a night splint to enlarge the plantar fascia during sleep.
Compound fracture
Also known as an open fracture, compound fractures occur when your broken bone gets cut through the skin. This can be hazardous for bone and skin, as both risks getting infected. A broken bone of the legs is a medical emergency that needs quick treatment and you can take from Leg And Foot Injury Treatment In Nepal.
Sprains are the most common form of leg injury caused due to turning the ankle inward. Its common symptoms are swelling and pain in the ankles.
It occurs when your bone is pulled out of its joint, and the main thing in the leg that gets dislocated is the kneecap.
Get Fast Recovery after Leg and Foot Injury Treatment by Dr. Vikram Sharma.
If you have a leg fracture or any other leg and foot injury, do not hesitate to seek medical help from Leg And Foot Injury Treatment In Nepal. To diagnose the type of leg or foot injury, Dr. Vikram Sharma will X-ray your leg or foot or may also use some imaging test to locate the fracture and identify its severity.
Dr. Vikram Sharma may also put out your broken bone parts and keep them in place with a plastic or plaster-made cast. This can help you move your broken bone while they grow back again. If any fracture is difficult to hold, Dr. Vikram Sharma may use rods or some artificial parts to connect the broken parts.
Sometimes the bones of your leg and foot must be pulled to be lined up in the correct position. This process, known as tractions, uses lines and weights and installs pulleys over your bed.
While Dr. Vikram Sharma uses the best approach for your Leg And Foot Injury treatment, it may also take a few weeks or months for your leg fracture to heal completely. Your recovery period depends on the severity of the fracture and your health condition. Athletes or younger people heal faster than older.
Dr. Vikram Sharma says if you cannot put weight on your legs, you may use a walker, cane or clutches to get around for a while. Also, you may be unable to exercise or make some moves the right way initially, but doing one or two daily exercises will help you get back to your everyday movements.
Our Effective Treatment Approach For Leg And Foot Injury Treatment In Nepal
The practical treatment approach for leg and foot injury in Nepal begins with a thorough objective and subjective evaluation of the injury and complications. Once they assess and determine the type of foot or leg injury you are dealing with, they come up with an accurate diagnosis and see where and how your tendon got injured. After determining all these things, they develop a personalized treatment plan for the patients. It includes custom bracing, icing the area, activity modification, physical therapy, etc.
During the initial stages of treatment, the problems of swelling and pain in the legs and foot are resolved by Dr. Vikram Sharma. After that, they bring back your foot and legs to normal strength and motion.
Not just that, but our doctors also incorporate the complete lower quadrant during the exercise so that your legs and foot functions can be improved better than ever.
Book An Appointment For Effective Leg And Foot Injury Treatment in Nepal
There are several cases of a stress fracture, compound fracture, sprain, etc. While some conditions are easy to fix, some need medical help. For instance, if Neuroma is a regular occurrence in your body and gets accompanied by other symptoms, make an appointment with Dr. Vikram Sharma at for Leg And Foot Injury Treatment In Nepal. He will help you overcome the problem, suggest effective treatment options, and provide helpful tips to prevent leg and foot injury.