
Leg And Foot Injury Treatment in Bangladesh

Leg and foot injuries are the most common kind of injuries that people face despite their age and profession. Our legs are the central support system of the body. It is the leg on which we stand and jump. Run, and walk. Therefore, since this part of the body is used the most, there are chances that this part of the body gets injured the most as well. If you have a leg injury such as a leg fracture or sprain, the most reliable treatment center you can refer to is Leg And Foot Injury Treatment In Bangladesh. Here Dr. Vikram Sharma provides the best treatments at an affordable cost. All you gotta do is, book an appointment with us.

Legs are made of multiple muscles, bones, and other connective tissues. These run from the pelvis to the ankle and finally to the foot.

If you divide the leg, you will see that a leg can be divided into four parts, or rather, it is made up of four bones. These are:

The Femur Bone: This is the bone that joins the pelvis and the knee. This is also the most prominent bone in the human body.

The Patella Bone: This is the bone that protects the knee joint. This bone is also commonly referred to as the kneecap.

The Tibia and the Fibula are the bones connecting the ankle to the knee.

All of these bones are connected through ligaments, which are fibrous and flexible tissues. The entire structure also has tendons, which help make the leg move.

Leg And Foot Injury Treatment In Bangladesh
Best Leg And Foot Injury Treatment In Bangladesh

Know About the Types of Leg and Foot Injury

Leg and foot injuries are prevalent and happen to people of all ages. If you have a leg or foot injury, then you will not be able to bear the weight of your body and will have difficulty walking. However, tackling leg and foot injuries is not impossible, especially when you have Leg And Foot Injury Treatment In Bangladesh to help you and provide you with the best possible treatment. Here is a list of some of the most common leg and foot injuries that might happen to you.


A fracture is simply the breaking of a bone. A fracture can happen because of several reasons. You might fall and get your leg fractured, or you might get hit by something and get your leg and ankle fractured. You can also get a fracture while playing. There can also be instances where your bone may break due to bone disease or prolonged weakness. Fractures can either be a simple crack on the bone, or they can even be a complete breaking of a bone. Thus, fractures can either be mild or compound.

Simple Fractures: In the case of simple fractures, the bone is cracked or even broken, but the skin remains intact. That does not get broken.

Compound Fracture: Compound fractures can also be referred to as open fractures. In such cases, the broken bone comes out of the skin. These fractures are extremely dangerous since the bone and the skin has a high chance of getting affected.

If you break your bone, you will require immediate medical help. You can consult to Dr. Vikarm Sharma, and rest assured that you will get the best treatment to help you get a speedy recovery.


Sprains are pretty standard, and you will probably not find someone who has never had a sprain. A sprain is nothing but the bending or twisting of the knee or the ankle. Ankle sprains are pretty common and can happen because of several reasons. You can get your ankle sprained simply while walking on a rough and uneven surface or even if you are not walking in the right shoes. Sprains make the ligament stretch or even tear. Ankle sprains are a common thing for athletes. So, if you get your ankle sprained while playing, you need not fear; Dr. Vikram Sharma is there to help you.


Stains are similar to sprains but not the same. These happen mainly in the connective tissues that are present in your leg. Tears and stretches happen in the tendons or muscles that connect the main muscles to the bones. Strains are common in cases when you do not stretch before performing physical activity. Strains happen suddenly. You can get a strain if you slip on the floor or lift something heavy. Strains are also common for athletes and runners. It is also commonly seen in people who are into sports that require repetitive movement, such as tennis. A common strain that you might have felt is on the hamstring, the muscle on the back of the thigh.

How to Prevent Leg and Foot Injuries

You can easily prevent getting your leg and ankle injured. You do need to take some precautions for it. These may include:

  • Do a warm-up before you start any physical activity
  • Make your muscles conditioned first, and then start playing a sport. Do not start it all of a sudden.
  • If you are an athlete, then choose the right kind of shoe as per your foot type.
  • If the heels of your shoe wear down, then replace the shoe immediately.
  • Do not run or walk in areas that are rough and uneven
  • Check your steps before you walk or run

Our Effective Treatment Approach for Leg And Foot Injury Treatment In Bangladesh

At Leg And Foot Injury Treatment In Bangladesh, we do not believe in going in for surgeries on the first go. However, we do it only in critical situations. Our treatment includes more physical examination and image tests. We check the ankle and the foot thoroughly and then recommend image tests. We only go in for operations if the image test shows significant injury.

Book An Appointment for Effective Leg And Foot Injury Treatment In Bangladesh

You can book an appointment to consult with Dr. Vikram Sharma with us by visiting our website. You will see the appointment option on the upper right-hand side of the website; clicking on it will lead you to a form you would have to fill in to get an appointment done.

Leg And Foot Injury Treatment In Bangladesh is the most reliable health center you can visit if you want a complete cure for your leg and foot injuries. We have the best team of experts who will help you get back on the steps sooner than you think.